Tuesday, July 5, 2022

How Evil Magicians Control The World (Must Read)

  Attention:  If you are quietly unhappy with your 
life, and feel there is something horribly wrong with 
yourself and the world, yet you know you were born 
for something more, and your ready to know the 
truth, then this will be the most important exposé you 
will ever read.

The Secret Mind Virus
Epidemic They Don’t
Want You To Know

No one thought it was possible.
A virus that lives in your subconscious mind…
Infecting first your thoughts, your emotions and 
then your entire energy body.
Forcing you to self-destruct morally, socially, 
sexually and spiritually each and every each 
While slowly making you a prisoner of your own 
life, enslaving you from the moment you wake 
up to the second your head hits the pillow at night.
Recently declassified C.I.A. documents confirm 
this is real.
Celebrities are speaking out, raising awareness 
and trying to stop it.
But by the time you read this expose, it might 
already be too late.
Warning:  The Following 
May Shock You
My name is David Griffin. I’m a leader of a 
well-known Mystery School.

I have dedicated the last 18 1/2 years working 
with scientists, researchers and sociologists to 
find a way to stop this mental virus that’s 
already estimated to be 
infecting 114 Million Americans.

Perhaps the scariest thing is it’s symptoms 
come on slowly, so you may never even 
realize the mistakes you keep making and 
failures you experience are the result 
of this psychic parasite…

Until it finally consumes your Soul, and 
forces you to give up on your hopes and 
dreams, only to become a mindless 
consumer slave of the system with no 
other purpose in life.

In this shocking exposé, I’m going to 
show you how this Mental Virus spreads 
from person to person, and a simple test 
you can do to find out if you, or someone 
you love, has been infected. 

And, if so, how to cure the Mental Virus 
before it completely destroys your life.

I’m also going to expose the secret 
government cover up that allowed this to 
happen, and how they are now scrambling 
to hide the truth as more people come 

Notice:  The information I’m about to share 
with you is controversial because this 
Mind Virus is spread through America’s 
most loved and trusted source: 

Your television.

In the next few minutes, I’m going to reveal 
the dark underbelly of mass control - 
influencers like 
Hollywood, the C.I.A., the F.B.I., even U.S. 
presidents - 
that they prayed the public would never know.

It’s a vile maze of corruption that makes your 
average criminal look like a saint.

They have been injecting this Mind Virus into 
you and everyone you know since the day you 
were born …

And they’ve spent trillions of dollars to keep it 
spreading each day while hiding it in plain 
it’s time someone found a cure.

That’s why I’ve spent a large amount of my 
own personal money to create this expose they 
do NOT want you to read. I am risking my life 
by revealing what you will discover today. 
don’t expect you to believe everything you 
without doing your own research, 
which I encourage you to do.  All I ask is that 
you put aside your disbelief as you read the 
proof I’m about to show you, and make up 
own mind. 
So, if you are serious about changing your life 
and protecting your friends and family, turn 
all distractions, 
take a seat, and make sure you read every 
of this exposé before they force me to take it 
down - or worse.

How it all started...

The Holocaust Experiments 
Never Really 

golden dawn

The year was 1945. World War II was 
finally over.
Soldiers flooded the streets as yearning wives 
embraced their 
husbands who made it home safely, and others 
mourned the 
loss of those who gave their lives for our freedom. 
men brought home with them a new vigor for life.  
A huge baby boom led to new hopes and dreams for 
across the nation with hopes and dreams of a bright 
However - along with bringing home this new zest from 
winning the war …
The United States government brought home 
something much 
more sinister.
In 1946, President Truman made it official.  
A top secret, 
yet declassified program called 
“Operation Paperclip” 
that smuggled an estimated 765 Nazi 
scientists, doctors, 
engineers and technicians into America 
(with many more 
off record) to learn their secrets.
Why?  Because America’s 
sworn enemy, Soviet 
Russia, had already started. 
Both sides were in a panic.
It began a race of superior 
knowledge, known by 
1947 as The Cold War.  
Both sides scrambling to 
be the first to build 
the nuclear bomb and gain 
the ultimate advantage over the other.
However, that wasn’t the only thing they were 
There was one thing that the Nazi’s discovered 
inside their concentration camps that was 
perhaps even more powerful. A psychological 
virus, giving it’s wielder complete control 
over the human mind.
 “Angel Of Death” Makes 
Accidental Discovery
Nazi Germany was a living hell of death camps 
not only exterminated and cremated millions 
but also did ghastly experiments on live 
beings - 
both physical and psychological.
golden dawn
In 1943, Dr. Josef Mengele, known as the 
Angel of 
Death, was in charge of the most horrifying 
camp of them all - Auschwitz. A psychopathic 
physician who would give innocent Jewish 
candy and a pat on the head before sending 
them for experimentation ... and ultimately 
They called him Uncle, and minutes later, he 
would smile while doing vile things with no 
golden dawn
This monster was in a dark quest to test the 
capacity for 
all human limits.  This included torture, 
and every terrible thing you can think of - 
even sexually.
It was while experimenting on young 
children that 
Mengele made his evil discovery. A process to 
infect a person’s consciousness, with what he 
called, a 
“virus of the mind.” 
Once infected, the subject would completely 
they are, submit their will, and do what they 
are told 
without question - without even knowing it. 
It was a 
discovery, that before only lived in the world 
of Black 
Magick and devil worship - now crafted into a 
science. This was a power that the United 
States was 
dying to get their hands on - especially 
before their greatest enemy did - Soviet Russia.
 A Lust For Total Obedience 

In 1947, President Truman directly assigned 


CIA to handle all covert psychological 


Many CIA scientists jumped at the chance to 


secrets from these Nazi scientists who - 


they performed horrific experiments on live 


patients that led to their torturous death - 


complete experts in breaking 
down the mind and rebuilding it. There was much 
interest in mind control by the CIA already. But now, 
the Nazis had developed - at least in its early stages - 
a mental virus for total enslavement that the C.I.A. 
could weaponize. CIA director Allen Dulles became 
obsessed with the work of Mengele, demanding that the 
United States stay ahead in the race - no matter the cost.

golden dawn
He started two early programs that, as 
declassified CIA documents reveal, 
shared Mengele’s vision of mental 

In 1952, the Navy started a covert 
operation called Operation Bluebird 
to program their own soldiers to 
withstand interrogation techniques.

The official CIA report states that the 



Operation Bluebird (later renamed Artichoke) 

were as follows:

What would be the fastest way to induce 



Could we seize a subject and in the space of an 


or two by post-H control have him crash an 

airplane, wreck a train, etc.? 

Can we create by post-[hypnotic] control an 


contrary to an individual's moral principles? 

Can we "alter" a person's personality? 

Can we "condition" by [hypnotic] suggestion 


employees to prevent them from giving 


to any unauthorized source? 

Can we...force a subject to travel long 


commit specified acts and return to us or 


documents or materials? 

Can we guarantee total amnesia under any 


all conditions? 

Can we devise a system for making unwilling 


into willing agents, and then transfer control 



agents in the field by use of codes or 



Can we...induce a condition in an unwilling 

subject to 

such an extent that he will perform an act for 

our benefit? 

In other words … “can we get people to do 

anything we 

want them to against their will?” 

What the public didn’t realize was that the 

horror of the 

Holocaust wasn’t over ... it had just moved to 

the United 

States. For years, the practice of human 


continued. Then, In 1953, Allen Dulles saw an 

even greater 

potential to expand his new power to greater 

realms with a 

new operation. This new program sent a 

wildfire of rumors 

through the CIA. The members involved swore 

an oath to 

never reveal their secrets. Unlike previous 

programs, this 

time it wasn’t just about beating Russia in the 

war ... It was 

about controlling its own citizens. 

The Birth Of Social 


Dulles knew there were two things he must 

accomplish in 

order to fully control the masses.  His brother, 

John Foster 

Dulles, was secretary of state, and let Allen get 

away with 

anything, covering up most of what he had 


As long as 

his brother held that chair, Allen Dulles was 


the law. 

The first, was to create a mechanism for 

controlling minds. 

The second was to make sure that mechanism 

was in front 

of every man, woman and child possible. And 

that’s exactly 

what he did. In 1953, Dulles launched two 


MK Ultra and Mockingbird. While MK Ultra 

focused on 

how to brainwash people and control their 

minds, Operation 

Mockingbird focused on controlling the flow 

of information 

distributed to the public. MK Ultra was the 


step in 

trauma based mind control for the purpose of 

creating a total 

mind controlled slave. It was a human 

experimentation play 

ground where they did everything from 


to dose 

unsuspecting members of the public with LSD. 

They knew 

that, by infecting a subject with high exposure 

to the Mind 

Virus, they could create the perfect assassin, 

sex slave or 

carrier of messages - all without the original 


ever knowing. Mengele’s work of human 


was still running strong, and now with the 

CIA’s full 

backing, it grew larger than ever before, 

splitting into 140 

sub projects that included 44 colleges or 

universities, 15 

research institutions, 12 hospitals, and 3 penal 

institutions - 

all employing 185 non-government 

researchers and 

assistants in the pursuit of behavior 


As a 

declassified CIA document reveals, there were 

15 categories 

of sub-projects focused on things like: 

Effects of behavior drugs & alcohol: 6 

subprojects involving tests on unwitting 

human beings. 

Hypnosis: 8 subprojects, including 

two involving hypnosis and drugs in 


Single sub-projects in such areas as the 

effects of 

electroshock, harassment techniques, 

analysis of 

extrasensory perception [ESP], and gas 

propelled sprays 

and aerosols. Meanwhile, Dulles’ second 

project, Operating 

Mockingbird, was gaining huge support. 


documents reveal Operation Mockingbird 

employed more 

than 50 American Journalists or employees 

of US media 

organizations.  And, that over a dozen U.S. 


organizations provided cover for the CIA in 



whether they knew it or not. Journalists were 


to ensure they weren’t saying the wrong 


and stories 

were planted by paid journalists that would 


filter down 

to your local news channel. Allen Dulles 


these Nazi 

scientists together while at the same time 

securing control 

over the airwaves.  A move that would make 


Washington roll over in his grave. This was the 


of a massive plan to refine this Mind Virus to 

infect the 

entire country on a much lower, and 


level - 

slowly dumbing you down, desensitizing you, 

and conditioning 

you to obey. Fortunately, for the citizens of the 

United States, 

a champion arose who was willing to stand up 

for them. 

A Champion For The 

People, Slain 

John F Kennedy was a man of the people.  

He was a man 

of morals and values who led this country 

with his heart. 

He inspired millions in his speeches and 

made a real 

impact in people’s lives. He also knew of the 

Mind Virus, 

and who was behind it.  He was willing to stop 

at nothing 

to save America from total enslavement. 

On April 27, 1961, 

he gave a speech, exposing what was really 


on in the 

Government he swore to protect and serve. 

“For we are 

opposed around the world by a monolithic 

and ruthless 

conspiracy that relies primarily on covert 

means for 

expanding its sphere of influence...

...On infiltration instead of invasion, on 

subversion instead 

of elections, on intimidation instead of free 

choice, on 

guerrillas by night instead of armies by day. 

It is a system 

which has conscripted vast human and 



into the building of a tightly knit, highly 

efficient machine 

that combines military, diplomatic, 



scientific and political operations. It's 

preparations are 

concealed, not published. Its mistakes are 

buried, not 

headlined. Its dissenters are silenced, not 



expenditure is questioned, no rumor is 


no secret is 


It conducts the Cold War, in short, with a 


discipline no democracy would ever hope 

or wish to 

match. A year and a half later, President 

Kennedy was 

assassinated, and after lying to the public for 


the “JFK Files of 2017” finally revealed that 

there was 

more than one shooter. The 2017 declassified 


General’s report stated clearly that Kennedy 

was shot 

also from the front as it appeared all along 

in the 

Zapruder film, and not merely by a lone 

gunman from 


golden dawn
It was the greatest deliberate cover up in 

The 2017 JFK files contained a memo, where 
director J. Edgar Hoover wrote: “The thing I 
concerned about...is having something issued 
we can convince the public that Oswald is the 

Kennedy was getting too close, and 
they eliminated 

With him out of the way, the Mind Virus 
easily be spread to hypnotize the public into 
believing anything they wanted.

All they needed was the right 
weapon of influence.  
New Weapons Of Mass 

While the dust was settling from the 
of JFK…

MKUltra was quietly developing new 
mind control 
slaves to serve three purposes in their 
sinister plot in 
spreading the new Mind Virus throughout 
the country.

This included …

1.  Assassinations. 
controlled slaves to be 
programmed to 
abandon all 
self-preservation and 
a trained killer without 
knowing it. This would 
important for not only 
assassinating liabilities, 
to terrorize the public 
in a 
later part of the plan.

2. Propaganda.  Perfect 
performers who 
become role 
models for kids and 
by millions. The perfect 
mouthpiece for 
message they wanted 
to send. 
And a total monopoly 
on the 
industry, since normal 
couldn’t even compare. 
3. Sex Slavery. Yes, 
even at a 
very young age. In fact, 
this is 
common practice. 
Often times, 
MKUltra slaves had a 
“sex kitten” 

personality that any 
could activate with the 
hypnotic words.

Sometimes, at a very high level of security 
and management, 
child was programmed to perform all three. 
They would all 
perform key roles in spreading the Virus, 
which I’ll explain 
in just a moment. The operation continued to 
breakthroughs, harvesting young children 
from multiple 
generations of broken homes and turning 
them into mind 
controlled “property”. The only problem was, 
the bigger 
they grew, the more people found out, and 
wanted to take 
them down.

A Last Hope For The People

In 1975, a committee was formed by Frank 
Church, a 
U.S. Senator from Idaho. The committee was 
to expose wrongdoings of the FBI, CIA, NSA 
and IRS.
golden dawn
Allen Dulles’ programs quickly came 
under fire and it 
seemed that the people still had a fighting 

That summer, the Church Committee began 
MK Ultra, and it was the first time the public 
was ever 
told that their own government had been 
human experiments - not only on patients 
in a 
lab … 
but on them!

However, new CIA director Richard Helms 
(Dulles’ replacement) happened to destroy 
20,000 MK Ultra files two years prior, so there 
nothing they could do.

By the time the Church Committee caught up 
them, the mind control programs had already 
their names and had gone completely 

Every time the truth started to come out, 
criminals were always one step ahead.
Mockingbird, on the other hand, was a wide 
open book.

It turns out, the CIA DID in fact have 
on the 
payroll, that were being used by the 
to filter 
their stories and cover their tracks. A Church 
report published in 1976 reveals about 
“Approximately 50 of 
[Agency] assets are 
American journalists 
or employees 
of U.S. media 
Of these, fewer than 
half are 
"accredited" by U.S. 
organizations ... The 
individuals are 
freelance contributors 
and media 
abroad ... 
More than a dozen 
United States 
news organizations 
and commercial 
publishing houses 
formerly provided 
cover for CIA agents 
abroad. A few 
of these organizations 
unaware that they 
provided this cover.”
It had become loud and clear that a dark 
cabal within the 
CIA was 
influencing all forms of news and media, 
only showing 
you the 
stories THEY wanted you to see.

But by then, the public was already too far 
gone, thanks 
to another 
mind control device that was released in 
1953 - the 
same year as 
MK Ultra and Mockingbird - that had finally 
infiltrated every 
home in the United States.

They already had the perfect brainwashing 
implanted in 
almost every home in America.

The color T.V.

And even while the public was being told their 
news was being 
altered, thanks to the good people in the 
Church Committee - 
it didn’t matter.

By this point, the Mind Virus had already taken 
effect, and no 
one seemed to care.

There was only one more piece of the puzzle 
to establish 
complete and total control.

The Death of Fairness and 

The Mind Virus was spreading faster than 

The unaware public were getting more and 
more plugged 
into their televisions. New television 
“programs” were 
coming out all the time. More and more 
people became 
glued to their sets - obsessed with the latest 
news, sports 
game, talk show, soap opera - the list goes on. 

Everything seemed to be going according to 


But there was still two big problems standing 
in their 
way of completely dominating the airwaves, 
therefore, your mind. Those two things, were 
regulations. Since the first days of 
broadcasting, the FCC 
held TV stations to a high standard of ethics, 
that there was fair and accurate information 
being distributed 
that always showed both sides of the story.  
Advertising time 
was limited. The TRUTH stood above all. They 
even had a 
limit that one entity couldn’t own more than 
7 stations at a 
time, so that not one company could filter all 
of the news. 
This was a problem for the war criminals 
because that meant 
they could not dominate the airwaves with 
one-sided news 
stories and emotional propaganda … yet. But 
that was soon 
to change. And President Ronald Reagan was 
just the man to 
do it. In 1985, he slowly increased that 
number of stations 
from 7 to 12, and lifted restrictions on 
advertising. Then, 
in 1987, he eliminated the 
“Fairness Doctrine” - a 
restriction that has been there since they 
founded the FCC. 
This doctrine granted TV stations licenses as 
trustees,” meaning, they were required to 
cover BOTH 
sides of opposing points of view - especially 
in the news. 
In other words, removing this doctrine meant 
you literally 
could not trust the news anymore because it 
was now as 
biased as they wanted. 

The truth wasn’t required anymore.

The last thing preventing a total monopoly 
information at that time was a restriction on 
how many 
stations one Company could own. This was in 
place so 
that there would be fair news reporting and 
that no one 
could have more influence over anyone else. 
That cap was 
lifted in 1995 by President Clinton, so that any 
one company 
could own as many stations as they wanted.  
It was only a 
matter of time before there was a total 
monopoly of the 
information that came through your screen. 

The Final Blow To Your 

The Smith‐Mundt Act of 1948 was an 
outgrowth of 
America's first official government 
propaganda program, 
which sold the American public on entering 
World War I; 
and President Truman's Campaign of Truth 
designed to combat Soviet propaganda.

The U.S. government's official propaganda 
overseas, the U.S. Information Agency, 
operates under its 
authority. Restrictions against domestic 
dissemination of 
propaganda were codified by amendments to 
Smith-Mundt Act introduced by Senator 
Fullbright in the 
1970s and by Senator Zorinsky in 1985.

The Smith-Mundt Modernization Act of 2012, 
effectively repealed restrictions against 
propaganda. The act was enacted and inserted 
into the 
2013 National Defense Authorization Act 
(NDAA). The 
State Department and Pentagon can now go 
manipulating mainstream media outlets as in 
Mockingbird and may instead directly 
disseminate taxpayer 
funded campaigns of misinformation to the 
U.S. public. 
All the pieces were in place.  It was only a 
matter of time.  

A Pandemic of Disconnected 

The current year is 2021.

golden dawn
At this time, 6 corporations 
control all broadcasting networks 
across the United 
States, all delivering the same heavily 
filtered news 
rhetoric that comes from the top, delivered 
cookie cutter anchors reading 
teleprompter talking points.

Big tech, such as Facebook, Twitter and 
Google, have taken censorship to a new level 
filtering information you receive… while 
simultaneously stealing information you own.

It seems the world is spiraling closer and 
closer towards chaos.

The news is still controlled by the CIA, and 
beyond that, everyone now has a screen and 
tracking system right in their pocket.  
People are acting insane, emotional, and 
irrational in ways the 
world has never seen.  

Violence. Outbursts. Inhumane behavior.

Complete and utter insanity.

Dark forces have successfully infected the 
majority of the 
with this Mind Virus pandemic and have 
created a society of 
disconnected slaves.  

Today we see the Mind Virus has manifested 
as the physical 
virus COVID-19… where mind control has 
become mass 
control through masks and vaccines.

There are 5 ways they are spreading this 
psychic parasite:

1.  Fear.  Perpetrated 
by the 
well groomed media. 
of terrorism and now 
shootings, performed 
by Mind 
controlled slaves 
creates a 
culture of fear to gain 
of the masses to go to 

2.  Intimidation.  Local 
have been heavily 
and are no longer 
“public servants” but 
as “law 
enforcement.” This 
mass Stockholm 
that makes everyone 
and obey.

3.  Distraction.  
gossip and constant 
usually performed by 
controlled slaves, 
invade the 
airwaves to distract 
the public 
from the real issues, 
as they 
exploit tragedies and 
impose the will of the 

4.  Divide and conquer.  
are constantly split 
into two 
sides that oppose each 
Republican vs 
Black vs white. Rich vs 
These competing 
keep people fighting 
and against 
one another, while 
they dangle 
the strings above and 
both sides.

5. Dark Seduction.  
With all 
this emotional discord, 
the public 
tries to escape into 
fantasy and 
entertainment, only to 
be met 
by more and more 
Black Magick 
symbolism, references, 
demigods, without 
them even 
knowing. Videos with 
themes and fake 
cannibal rituals. 
This mass 
desensitization and 
spiritual violence only 
serves to 
make us more 
susceptible to obey, 
regardless of morals 
and values, so 
that dark spirituality 
becomes a 
popular alternative to 
the light.

Mass shootings. Degradation. Black Magick 
symbolism being 
shoved in front of the faces of millions at each 
Super Bowl 
halftime show, and every major sporting event.

All performed by mind control parasites, 

infecting you with 
this nasty virus. 

All ways to infect your mind with this one 
mental virus that 
makes you unable to be free. Keeping you 
scared and obedient 
so you keep slaving away like a rat on a wheel. 
Keeping your 
friends and family hypnotized and plugged 
into consumerism.
Keeping you and the people you love under 
control, whether 
you know it or not. America is now at a tipping 
point where popular 
culture is embracing the very evil that is manipulating 
them. And, in 
just a moment, I will show you a simple solution so you 
can take 
your power back, control your own destiny and 
manifesting the 
abundant life you've already earned.
Have YOU Been Infected? 
If you were born after 1945, you’ve been 
exposed to this 
sneaky Mind Virus most of your life. It’s not 
always easy to 
spot, or to admit that you have it.  But even if you 
were somehow 
born immune, and you never contracted the Mind 
Your mother, your father, your siblings, your cousins, 
your teachers, 
your pastor, your doctors, and even your favorite 
actors are infected. 
Look around you, and see who in your life has any of 
these symptoms:

Mental Symptoms Include 
⦿ Poor self image 
⦿ Self sabotage 
⦿ Negative self talk 
⦿ Unsure of purpose 
⦿ Overthinking situations 
⦿ Recurring fears of loss 
⦿ Obsession with others 
⦿ Care what people think 
⦿ Afraid to express yourself 
⦿ Thinking there's no hope 
⦿ Unexplainable paranoia
Emotional Symptoms Are ... 
⦿ Feeling a void inside 
⦿ Fleeting heartbreak 
⦿ Escaping into fantasy 
⦿ Stress eating 
⦿ Small addictions 
⦿ Nagging dread of future 
⦿ Blaming yourself for failure 
⦿ Beating yourself up 
⦿ Giving up on your dreams 
⦿ Thinking there's no hope
Social Symptoms Involve ... 
⦿ Outcast as unpopular 
⦿ Awkward moments 
⦿ Afraid of opposite sex 
⦿ Compare yourself to others 
⦿ Can't connect with others 
⦿ Belittled by cliques 
⦿ Anxiety when speaking 
⦿ Wanting to hide your face 
⦿ Keeping to yourself 
⦿ Wishing you were someone else
Physical Symptoms Comprise 
Of ... 
⦿ Weight gain 
⦿ Low Energy 
⦿ Lethargic movement 
⦿ Lack of motivation 
⦿ Sleeplessness nights 
⦿ Stress related hair loss 
⦿ Lingering wounds that don't heal 
⦿ Disgust with own body 
⦿ Shame of how you look 
⦿ Physical depression from within
Professional Symptoms Look 
⦿ Unappreciated by authority 
⦿ Fake persona in office 
⦿ Inability to move up 
⦿ Fear of losing job 
⦿ Not doing what you love 
⦿ Feeling like a rat in a cage 
⦿ Resentment of your boss 
⦿ Scarcity of promotion 
⦿ Questioning your life path 
⦿ Waking up and hating life
If you said yes to any of these symptoms, then 
you are likely 
quietly suffering from the effects of the Mind 

The Science That Makes The 
Mind Virus Possible
Why what they are doing is working.

You may feel it yourself.  Even if it’s not you, 
it's your 
brothers, sisters, mother, father, uncle, aunt.

They’ve all been infected since the day they 
were born.

To understand the virus, and to cure it forever 
so you 
can live a better life, you must first 
understand the 
environment where the virus lives.

The subconscious mind.

95% of your brain activity occurs in your 

It is the engine that drives the plane.

It has it’s own agenda, it’s own desires, it’s own 
and it’s own power.

It’s also where your belief system lives, which 
is simply 
the things in your life you see as true or false.

Beliefs shape our reality and change our 
behavior.  It’s a 
power so strong, some people are willing to 
die for them.

A healthy belief system is formed between the 
ages of 6 
months and 7 years old. With it comes morals, 
values, and 
the ability to trust another human being.

However - sometimes we take on beliefs that 
we did not 
choose. And when they “come true”, we 
believe they are 
always true. And the more we see them as 
true, the more 
we take on them as permanent beliefs we 
never question 

It only gets stronger and stronger as it grows 
inside your 
subconscious mind - even if someone gave it to 
you against 
your will…just like a virus.

This is a critical part of how the Mind Virus 
operates.  It 
attacks your subconscious mind over and over 
again until 
you change what you believe, and forces you 
to change 
how you act, think and feel every day.

With extreme exposure comes instant 
Sometimes, a complete personality split can 
stop a person's 
heart because their mind literally cannot 
handle what is 
happening to them.  If they don’t die, they lose 
conscious mind, becoming a perfect mind 
controlled slave.

In smaller doses - like the doses doled out by 
the mass 
media - simply start numbing a person 
desensitizing them authentically, spiritually, 
making them 
willing to accept the terrible things that 
happen as “just the 
way things are,” as they get more and more 
towards life - eventually heading down a self 
path of slavery.

No matter how deadly the infection - the 
impact is 
always the same. Losing control of your own 

So What Is The Mind Virus?

The secret virus that Mengele discovered that 
infect the mind against a person’s will, split 
personalities, and program them as mind 
controlled slaves - 
is trauma.

Black Magicians have known this for 

Trauma - especially, repeated trauma - can 
split a person’s 
personality into fragments that don’t even 
know each other 
exists. And when this happens, the person is so 
out of their 
mind that they will believe and do anything 
they are told. 
Satanic rituals often include sacrifice - even 
sacrifice - in which the trauma of taking a life 
is enough 
to force a person to disassociate from what’s 
happening to 
them, because they simply don’t know how to 

Some even include the rape of innocent 
children, as being 
exposed in Hollywood as recently as 
November of 2017.

Repeated trauma is like banging the belief 
system with a 
hammer until it smashes like a shattered 

Mengele knew the Black Magick roots of his 
practice, yet 
through his experiments, he turned this well 
known Black 
Magick technique into a streamlined science.
golden dawn
Allen Dulles of the C.I.A. knew that by slowly 
traumatizing the public with terrorizing 
coverage of agonizing fear would 
traumatize people 
enough to stay at home and obey.

Fear, intimidation, confusion, distraction, 
dividing and conquering are all forms of 
daily trauma 
that is force fed through every news 
channel possible.

All you need is to turn on the mainstream 
news to 
see how they do this every day.
This repeated trauma - and watching others 
react to the 
same trauma - slowly hypnotizes us into 
believing the 
world is a terrible place …

... disconnecting your mind from your body 
and emotions so you are more numb, more 
and more susceptible to their influence with 
passing day ...

And - since this all happens on a deeply 
level - you don’t even recognize it unless you 
exactly what to look for. But here’s the good 

There is a cure for this Mind Virus - not just 
for yourself, 
but for everyone you care for.

Keep reading because the health and 
happiness of your 
family depends on it.

How You Can Cure Your 
Subconscious Mind From This 
Virus And Reprogram Yourself 
For Lifetime Success 
For centuries, just as 'Black Magicians' had 
techniques for brainwashing people and 
them to their own will... 
'Magicians of Light' on the other hand - the 
good guys - 
have found ways to stop it, and to restore 
order and 
balance in our world. The primary defense 
Black Magick mind control, is the 'Magick of 
Light' - 
wielding solar life force and summoning 
higher powers 
in the light, rather than demons in the dark. 
The Magick 
of Light is a scientific prayer, and just like the 
it directly works with your subconscious mind. 
the same mechanisms as the Mind Virus, but 
brain in a positive way, rather than a negative 
Not only 
are you setting specific intentions, but you are 
those intentions by bringing in higher energies 
from another 
dimension because you are doing it for the 
And - with enough practice, you will connect 
body and 
mind on a deeply connected level so that you 
traumatized and influenced again. 

Harnessing intention, instead of distraction
Imagination, instead of hypnosis …
Vibration, instead of chaos …
Love instead of fear …
… to rewire your subconscious mind for 
financial, romantic 
and spiritual success so that no Black Magick 
triggers and 
influences - no matter how strong - can keep 
you stuck in a 
life you’ve settled for.   
You’ve been subconsciously programmed 
your entire life.  

Now it’s time to reprogram yourself for 


Through repetition of your own free will - not 
the will of 
these dark masters - you can cleanse your 
of the years of Mind Virus programming 
you’ve been 
subjected to so you can clean your mental, 
emotional and 
spiritual slate while you begin a powerful new 
life. How?  
By physically altering your reality, using 
hidden laws of 
the Universe that most people don’t even 
know exist, 
because people like the Black Magicians 
behind the 
Mind Virus don’t want you to know. You see, 
when you 
tap into these hidden laws the right way, it 
unimaginable power in the palm of your 
hands. And - so 
long as you are studying the right material, 
and have the 
right people around you - you WILL gain full 
control of 
your destiny and become more powerful than 
you ever 
imagined, faster than you ever thought 
Before long, you’ll have the power to...
Banish negative 
energy in any room 
       or environment
Change your mental 
and emotional state 
       in seconds
Understand the 
mysterious world 
       within you
Attune yourself to 
the wisdom of the 
Grasp the inner 
power of your 
       subconscious mind
Expand your 
awareness to 
       higher dimension
Start living without 
limits of the 3rd 
Attain real happiness 
and inner peace
enlightenment of 
       who you really are
All of these magical experiences eat away at 
the Mind 
Virus like an antibiotic, until you are cured 
and fully 
yourself again - perhaps, even for the first 
time ever. 
know it may sound impossible, but just as 
millions of 
Magicians across the world all agree: 
Once you learn the Magick of Light, you can 
finally cure 
your mind, be at peace, take control of your 
life, and 
manifest the life you want using these proven 
systems - even if you’ve never considered 
yourself a 
Magician before. Not just to help yourself … but to 
those you love … 
How Powerful Magicians Are 
Fighting Back To Save Their 
Families And Fulfill Their 
Purpose In Life 
The Mind Virus is just one small piece of a 
larger puzzle.  Other dark operations 
are underway to control your food and water 
your rights, and ultimately your freedom. The 
evil men 
behind this master plan are, in fact, high level 
Black Magicians who are trying to pull the 
world into 
darkness for profit and enslave us all. Make no 
This is spiritual warfare. A holy war. 
And you are a soldier of the light. 
Where do you think Mengele got the seed for 
Mind Virus to begin with? Both modern day 
control programing and ancient Black Magick, 
both have the Mind Virus in common. They 
through traumatizing someone into fracturing 
personality, while the Black Magicians rob 
victims of vital life energy as they serve their 
purpose - completely against their will. In 
other words … 
mind control IS Black Magick. Little do the evil 
know that there’s a fraternity of Magicians of 
that have been quietly performing powerful 
rituals to bring down these Black Magicians 
for the 
last 14 1/2 years. That’s why thousands of 
Light Magicians have secretly been gathering 
to perform 
powerful ceremonies to expose these Black 
and bring them to justice. And it’s working:  
People are finally 
waking up! 
The TRUTH is being exposed:

False Flag Operations:  

People are 
starting to realize that 

some mass 
shootings in the United 

States are 
actually “false flag 

operations” - 
extravagant displays of 

crisis that scares and 

intimidates the 
public - usually as a 

distraction to 
something bigger that is 

behind the scenes.

Celebrity Meltdowns:  
commonly known that 
victims of 
trauma based mind 
control finally 
snap between ages 24 
and 31, 
when the split 
personalities start 
to recognize each other, 
and the 
programing fails. More 
and more 
celebrities are melting 
down, and 
going to “rehab” for 
but not before the 
public catches 
wind of their insane 
behavior that 
leaves everyone 
confused.  sure 
sign that their program 
is failing them. 
Hollywood Pedophelia: 
Ritual sexual 
abuse of children, a 
common appetite for 
these Black Magicians, 
has been blown 
into the spotlight 
recently, thanks to 
celebrities speaking out 
and sharing their 
unthinkable stories.  
The link between 
Hollywood and 
Satanism has been 
proven since its 
inception, and now their 
entire underworld is 
falling to it’s knees.

For the first time in history, we are WINNING 

this holy war, but it’s 
not over yet!
Our sacred order has been underground, 

preparing the final blow to 
the evil ones so we can help save the world. 

But now, we have stepped 
out of the shadows because the time of reckoning is 

upon us. As I 
mentioned, the next step in their agenda is to openly 

promote dark 
spirituality as a healthy alternative to the light. 
But we can’t let that happen. 
We know that the more GOOD people who join 

the fight, the 
stronger we get, and faster these dark giants 


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