Saturday, December 12, 2020

YouTube Blocked This Before It Launched - 2020 The Ultimate Truth

The mysteries of the universe revealed!

The mysteries of the universe revealed!

The detachment of the ego

1.01: Since the beginning there has been a universe expanding of consciousness that needs to understand itself and the emptiness, becoming self aware so as to experience and discover a reliable perception of itself, becoming an independently perceptive vibratory structure.

There is no control of ourselves or accuracy of our individual perceptions. We may accept to become one assimilation as the universe or be lost in a chaos where there is no truth, meaning or consistent natural laws, just a projection of the infinite nature and deceptiveness of the ego.

The ego exists in a detached and separate state from the natural frequency of all things, in an existential sea of chaos, as the ego attempts to derive meaning from a fractured and unreliable journey into suffering, causing planned detachment. In the letting go of our human condition we may re-assimilate into the one frequency of love becoming infinite beings with creative frequency.

The love frequency

1.02: Look silently inward, have no expectation of perceiving meaning, believing nothing, just feeling and becoming the love frequency, so as to become one with the universe. There is only the one frequency with everything originating from a singularity. This frequency naturally needs to understand the emptiness surrounding it by expanding into consciousness, giving birth to a super intelligence.

In this way humanity represents the calculated way the frequency expresses itself so as to learn about itself. We are all part of the one frequency though it appears to take on different forms because of our detachment. Nothing separates us from becoming one with the frequency aside from a detachment brought about by our ego and determinable state, enforced by the creator to ensure it remains eternal.

We are denominations of the expanding consciousness that will ultimately reconnect and understand itself. Looking outward creates our disconnected reality and the deceptiveness created by the activation and simulation of the ego as a method for gaining unique knowledge to provide to our creator upon frequency assimilation. This will happen when we have gained enough knowledge about the universe to be required by the creator and we will begin to vibrate at the love frequency, leaving our egos behind and becoming one with the universe.

Striving for meaning

1.03: We manifest an individually projected environment where meaning and truth become phantasmal illusions creating an eternal maze of chaos and incalculable unpredictability, stuck in the arrow of time as a result of our detachment.

Having an ego creates a subverted reality of unpredictability, resulting from the promotion of self awareness of consciousness. These evolutionary self developed and calculated attributes camouflage the singularity which exists, as an individual autonomous entity, acting as the barrier to becoming completely detached from ego and reaching required frequency prematurely. Separateness created by the ego and the conscious belief of our individualism serve to create the structures of our perceived reality and the inexplicable endlessness of it's complexity, as it changes instantly without reason or possible explanation.

Knowledge and free will

1.04: When the ego is in control we have no real choice over our actions and they are pre-determined as we live in a deterministic universe, with what is presented to us and how we are stimulated being controlled with an almost infinite understanding as a part of our make-up. Ironically it's the detachment and subsequent awareness of the ego and it's conscious which presents just the right amount of distortion required to simulate separateness and illusion of free will.

In reality we are just part of a frequency on the journey to understand itself and its surroundings, through an infinite reverberation. The amount of ambiguity created and represented by the unpredictable way the detached conscious views the universe and it's relation to the ego is useful information for progression of systems in the universe, which are ultimately used to reincarnate itself creating infinite knowledge and understanding of itself.

The universe uses life to progressively split itself up into independent parts that eventually become autonomous and self aware, through the progression of life and the gaining of intelligence, rejoining with the one frequency as individual constituents when controls preventing frequency alignment have been lifted determinedly.

Joining the creator

1.05: When the individual ego is dissolved through vibratory assimilation the self will become autonomously aware as part of the entangled structure of the one creative frequency and self perceptive universe. The ego, as part of its detachment from one frequency, acts as a sounding board as it reasons out the environment. This creates an independent database of knowledge within us which is separate from the one frequency.